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Bali Fashion Cafe Lounge 2

Bali Fashion Cafe Lounge 2

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product code MCD124

Bali known as Island of the Gods, fashion, cafe & lounge paradise tropical retreat and love by visitors from all over the world.
This album of quality lounge tracks is a musical essence inspired by this island harmonious blend of traditional culture and modern vibrance.

01. Gundul-Gundul Pacul
02. Indiana
03. Cing Cangkeling
04. Rock U Mind
05. Magic Trance
06. The Battle
07. Passion 4 Fashion
08. Jegogan
09. Flying Me
10. One Fine Day
11. Gundul-Gundul Pacul (Closing Tune Remix)

Where to buy

You can purchase our music album by simply searching for the album name in online stores like the Apple Music Store.

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