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From Bali To Jogja

From Bali To Jogja

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product code MCD103

Like the previous album, this album adopts modern and traditional music, but this one using more instruments from Asia

01. Bali ? Jogja Festival
02. Bali Bright
03. Walk in Malioboro Street
04. Wedhus Gembel from Merapi Mountain
05. On The Slope of Merapi Mount
06. Mbah Maridjan (Granpa Maridjan)
07. Jogja, 27th May 2006
08. Sympathy from Borobudur
09. Full Moon
10. New Morning
11. Cak..!!! Cak..!!, Kecak of Bali
12. Let?s Get Up my Bali and Jogja

Where to buy

You can purchase our music album by simply searching for the album name in online stores like the Apple Music Store.

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